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Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo

Department of Environmental Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia.


This guidance is intended to help the authors in writing manuscript in accordance with the requirements of the Textroad journals. Manuscripts are classified into two types, namely the original research paper and literature review paper. Guidance on each type of paper is focused on the most important concerns to each component of the paper. In addition, the authors have an obligation to abide by scientific ethics. This guidance should be used in conjunction with the instructions to authors of Textroad journals.

Keywords:  papers, structure, concerns, ethics


Textroad journals provide instruction to authors [1] as a general guideline. The instruction is adequate for experienced authors. In accordance with the mission of Textroad, all the authors around the world have the opportunity and will get the best places in Textroad journals. For many beginners to the Textroad journals, the instructions require sharpening so they can prepare a high-quality manuscript.

Of the various types of papers in various journals [2], it can be classified into two types of paper, which are empirical research results and the results of the research literature. The first type of paper is often referred to as original research paper. Empirical research begins with the research literature, from which emerged the idea or new theory and all things new such as comparison theory, fill the gap of knowledge, process improvement, use of new materials, etc. All of which must be proved through investigation to prove the hypothesis, or acquire new findings.

The research literature on the beginning of empirical research is the second type of paper, which does not require empirical investigation. In-depth investigation on the research literature can produce high-quality research literature, which is usually referred to as literature reviews. If the research literature aimed at getting a new theory, then the literature review paper by itself is a paper that produces a new theory.

Both types of paper require details of how to prepare the manuscript. Therefore, this description presents the structure of both papers and provides attention to important issues in each component. The goal is to become a guide for authors to produce high-quality manuscripts. In turn is to minimize the corrective response from the reviewers and speed up the process of acceptance and publication by the Textroad journals.

Structure of papers

The structure of original research paper consists of four main components, i.e. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion (IMRAD) [3]. Literature reviews can use IMRAD structure and the structure of sub-topics. Each sub-topic contains IMRAD, which corresponds to the subject of sub-topics. A complete structure of the two types of paper can be presented in Table 1. Outside the main components are complementary components that must exist, i.e. Title, Authors and affiliations, Abstract and keywords, Conclusions and References; and the remaining components are options that may be provided or do not need to be provided.

Table 1: Structure of papers


Original research paper and Literature review paper

Literature review paper





Authors and affiliations

Authors and affiliations


Abstract and keywords

Abstract and keywords


Abbreviation and nomenclature

Abbreviation and nomenclature





Materials and Methods

A number of sub-topics, which are discussed


Results and Discussion, which can be separated














The important concerns

The description below is partly taken from Mangkoedihardjo [4]. These materials have been widely used in several universities and research institutes in Indonesia in scriptwriting training for international journal publication.


The title serves as a concise and informative content delivery that is able to attract readers to read the full article. Title contains one or more essential elements (what, who, where, when) and one or more additional elements (method, result, conclusion, specific name, and others).

The number of words is generally not more than 15 so as not to spend a lot of breath. Try to give naming a beautiful, new and meaningful, because the title will remain there forever even if the authors would be gone.

Authors and Affiliations

Inclusion of the authors and its affiliates in the article is the accountability function of the article. Included is a function of competence and credibility of the authors on the substance of the article. Beside it is a function of intellectual copyright protection for authors. Therefore, you should never replace or add new authors when the manuscript was sent to the journal and even in accepted status. It violates manuscript authorships and definitely rejected. More information about authorship can be followed through Syrett & Rudner [5].

Make sure the name and address of the institution are written in full and correct and specify who the corresponding author and email address. In common, the author's name does not include academic degrees. While writing his/her own name and institution, some cases of typing error resulted in the process of publishing article longer, so try not to write them wrong.


Abstract and keywords

Abstract is a mini article that covers the main objective of the study, the most important methods, and results of the most important findings, or the novelty of the findings. Abstract is the work of the authors and therefore, there is no references cited in the text. Make sure the information in the abstract is not a duplication of information in the conclusion. Number of words in the text is preferably not more than 300 and arranged in one paragraph.

Keywords contain the syllabi or study subjects. Number of words in the syllabi is preferably not more than 6. The words are selected that exist in the abstract and also determines the quality of article.

Abbreviation and nomenclature

The authors do not need to compile abbreviation and nomenclature in the manuscript. Throughout the detailed information presented can be written in the text of the main components of the manuscript, then write it in the text of the main components of the manuscript. However, if absolutely necessary, then follow the conventions of scientific fields.


The primary function of introduction is filling the gap of knowledge gap and hence the essential content is a significant new idea (novel). There are three elements, namely the state of the art, research formulation and research objectives. Additional implications and/or benefits of the research results are good to be included.

The first element is state of the art [6]. It should be a source of references and related to the problem under investigation. There is no separated section on literature study. Literature study should be integrated on the state of the art. Accordingly, state of the art elements have to cite reference sources. Moreover, writing manuscript is to transform the sources of information into new information; it is not to transfer the sources of information. Therefore, the authors should arrange their own words followed by sources of information.

The second element is research formulation that formulates new and meaningful problem solving. It has to show a significant novelty of a study. The research formulation is therefore the author’s capability in fulfillment the gap theory, the gap method, product gaps, and others. Thus, research formulation has no references cited in the text.

The third element is research objectives that correspond to the research formulation. Again, there is no source of references in this element. It is important to note, avoid to set many objectives but the benefits are less. Benefits must be at least equal to, preferably more than, objectives.

Materials and Methods

The function of materials and methods are to describe how to collect data, organize and analyze data relevant to the objectives of the study. In summary it is to explain how to prove the idea, to achieve the goal. In addition, it provides adequate information, which can be implemented by other researchers to confirm the study and sciences development. Important note, do not forget the source of reference on these components which require it.

Results and Discussion

This is to show the findings that have been processed rather than raw results are. Here is no reference citation, because the results are the property of authors. Results will be used for the preparation of conclusions. While the discussion is used to give the sense the results obtained and with the support of a similar references, so meaningful to the achievement of research objective. Of course, do not forget the source of reference in the text of discussion.


Here contain the most important findings that determine the achievement of research objectives. Additional suggestion is acceptable, but not a requirement. Also, try to make sentences that complete, concise, coherent and without bullet. Attention, here there is no citation reference at all; conclusions are the property of the authors. 


If needed, here mentioned thanks to research funders and the parties who provide technical assistance directly outside of authorship. 


In this section is a list of all references that are used as reference citations in the state of the art (introduction), materials and methods and discussion. If the authors did not include reference citations in the text, the term bibliography should be used instead of references. 


The authors do not need to provide in the manuscript. Throughout the detailed information presented can be written in the text of the main components of the manuscript, then write it in the text of the main components of the manuscript. However, if absolutely necessary, then follow the conventions of scientific fields. 

Sub-topic of the literature review paper

Literature review paper can use the structure of original research papers. When authors use a sub-topic structure, then there is the freedom to write sub-topics. The introduction can be distributed on each sub-topic. Then, the sub-topic to discuss studies using IMRAD sequences corresponding to the sub-topic covered. Another approach could be developed by the authors themselves. What is important, all things IMRAD needs must be met.

Scientific ethics

The authors should adhere to scientific ethics, namely the terms authorship, do not do the fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. It is very important to note when using the Figure and/or Table of others, the authors should request copyright permission to the holder. In addition, the authors must still include the source. To that end, the authors can explore the resources in the references list no. [7-8].

Additional important ethic is to never submit a manuscript to more than one journal at the same time. There is no substantial reason to withdraw the manuscript under evaluation. The authors can send the same article to another journal, after the first journal stated in writing does not accept to publish it. However, modifications are still needed to rewrite manuscript when submit to another journal. 

Closing remarks

Preparation of the manuscript properly and meet the minimum requirements of the journal and ensure the scientific ethics are able to produce high-quality manuscript, minimize corrective feedback and speed up the acceptance process and the issuance by the Textroad journals.

Conflict of interest

        All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations within three years of beginning the submitted work that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work


1.      Textroad journals. Retrieved January 7, 2012 from http://textroad.com/Instructions.html.

2.      Mendeley, free reference manager. Retrieved January 7, 2012 from http://www.mendeley.com.

3.      Department of Biology, Bates College. How to write a paper in scientific journal style and format. Retrieved January 7, 2012 from http://abacus.bates.edu/~ganderso/biology/resources/writing/HTWsections.html.

4.      Mangkoedihardjo, S. (2009). Strategi tulis artikel jurnal internasional. Penerbit Gunawidya, Surabaya. 120p. ISBN 979-545-001-8.

5.      Syrett, Kristen L. & Rudner, Lawrence M. (1996). Authorship ethics. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 5(1). Retrieved January 7, 2012 from http://PAREonline.net/getvn.asp?v=5&n=1. This paper has been viewed 29,439 times since 11/13/1999.

6.      Nancy Ide & Jean Véronis (1998). Word Sense Disambiguation: The State of the Art. Computational Linguistics, 24(1): 1-41.

7.      Miller, David (2000). Sokal and Bricmont: Back to the Frying Pan. Pli 9: 156–173.

8.      Roig, Miguel (2010). Plagiarism and self-plagiarism: What every author should know, Biochemia Medica, 20(3):295-300.




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